We wanted to share some information about our upcoming fall events:
Walking and Talking: A Conversation About Culturally Informed Literacy Instruction Join ACARC as we walk and talk or sit and discuss the article “What Does Culturally Informed Literacy Look Like?”. This article and Teaching Tolerance’s Tool for selecting diverse literature will drive our conversation. (Articles linked below.) ACARC leaders will support discussions as we delve into the impact of our own identity, discuss how to better know and understand our students, and take steps to transform our classroom libraries. Participating educators are required to read the article “What Does Culturally Informed Literacy Look Like?” and use Teaching Tolerance’s Tool to examine books in their own classroom prior to the meeting (this is part of the 3 CTLE credits). We will exercise our brains and bodies with thoughtful conversations that will elevate our thinking about diverse literature.
Format: In-person
Location: The Crossings, West Pavilion, 580 Albany Shaker Rd, Loudonville, NY 12211
Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 (Rain or shine/covered pavilion)
Time: 4:30pm-5:30pm
Fee: $10 for nonmembers, Free for ACARC members
CTLE Hours: 3 (Includes reading the articles on own time and the in-person portion of the event)
Best Books of 2022 ACARC’s ever popular event returns! Find out what’s new in children’s, young adult, and adult literature as local experts share their recommendations.
Speakers: Dr. Sherry Guice (South Colonie), Lucy Maynard (South Colonie), Susan Kirby-LeMon (Shenendehowa)
Date: Thursday, December 1st, 2022
Time: 4:30pm–6:00pm
Location: Virtual
CTLE Hours: 1.5
Please be sure to register for events on the Teacher Center website.
To become an ACARC member, please register on the NYSRA website.
Please let us know if you have any questions, and we hope to see you at our events this year!