ACARC’s (Albany City Area Reading Council) ever popular event returns in a virtual format! Quality literature helps hook kids into books and helps teachers meet the NYS Standards. Find out what’s new in Children’s and YA (Young Adult) literature as four local experts share their top six recommendations for readers of all ages. Teachers will gain knowledge of new literature to engage and motivate readers. Registration is required.
Format: Synchronous Online via Zoom (The Zoom link will be shared with those who register.)
Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Time: 4:30PM – 6:30 PM
Facilitators: Sherry Guice, South Colonie Schools, Susan Kirby-LeMon, Shenendehowa Central Schools, Lucy Maynard, South Colonie Schools, Helen Stuetzel, Consultant
Fee: $10 for nonmembers; Free for ACARC members. Registration is required.
**Be sure to check out our Events page on our website for PD opportunities sponsored by other organizations as well!